| 央美建筑系列讲堂|
CAFAa Lecture Series
2023年10月17日,威尼斯建筑大学国际关系副校长、建筑史和建筑摄影史教授安杰罗. 马吉先生将受邀来到中央美术学院,带来"央美建筑系列讲堂"的第十三次讲座——《G.E. 基德-史密斯和宏伟的建筑》(G.E. Kidder Smith and the Magnificence of Architecture)。
“央美建筑系列讲堂”(CAFAa Lecture Series)由中央美术学院建筑学院于2018年发起,旨在立足建筑学术前沿,邀请当今世界最杰出的学者、教育家、建筑师、艺术家展开研讨、讲座、会议等多种活动,共同建构批评、包容、开放的国际建筑学术平台。该系列已成功邀请雷姆·库哈斯、莫森·莫斯塔法维、曹汛、矶崎新、斯蒂文·霍尔、彼得·塔居里、崔愷、威尼·马斯、伊东丰雄、卡洛斯·爱德华多·科玛斯等多位学术巨匠进行讲座及会谈。
| 活动信息 |
乔治-埃弗拉德-基德-史密斯(George Everard Kidder Smith,1913-1997 年)是二十世纪下半叶北美建筑专业领域的一位多面手。虽然他接受的是建筑师培训,但他并没有选择在传统的建筑事务所内工作。相反,基德-史密斯 "设计"、研究、写作并拍摄了大量关于建筑和建筑环境的书籍。他的工作和生活深深地交织在一起,在研究、写作和推广书籍的过程中,他经常出差,试图揭示他所欣赏并希望与更多读者分享的国家的建筑环境。从 20 世纪 40 年代初到 50 年代末,他对建筑的兴趣促使他以直观的方式描述了许多欧洲国家的建筑和历史特征。几十年来,基德-史密斯与妻子多萝西娅四处旅行,之后,他将目光投向了自己的祖国,并出版了一系列以欧洲和美国为主题的雄心勃勃的书籍。基德-史密斯的视野和叙述透露出旅行者、学者和建筑师的目光。此次活动为学生们提供了一个难得的机会,让他们从该领域的知名专家那里获得真知灼见。
George Everard Kidder Smith (1913–1997) was a multidimensional figure within the wide-ranging field of North American architectural professionals in the second half of the twentieth century. Although he trained as an architect, he chose not to practice within the conventional strictures of an architecture office. Instead, Kidder Smith “designed,” researched, wrote, and photographed a remarkably diverse collection of books about architecture and the built environment. His work and life were deeply interwoven and punctuated by travel related to the research, writing, and promotion of books that sought to reveal the genius loci of the countries whose built environments he admired and wished to share with a broader audience. From the early 1940s to the late 1950s his interest in architecture led him to describe visually the architectural and historical identity of many European countries. After his far-flung travels over the decades, with his wife Dorothea, Kidder Smith focused on his own country and produced a series of ambitious books focused on Europe and the United States. Kidder Smith’s vision and narrative betray the gaze of the traveller, the scholar, and the architect.The event offers an unparalleled opportunity for students to gain insights from a renowned expert in the field.
G.E. 基德-史密斯和宏伟的建筑
G.E. Kidder Smith and the Magnificence of Architecture
安杰罗. 马吉
朱 锫中央美术学院建筑学院院长、教授
2023年10月17日18:30 - 20:30
| 讲者简介 |
安杰罗. 马吉
威尼斯建筑大学建筑史和建筑摄影史副教授。他曾在威尼斯建筑大学和爱丁堡大学艺术学院接受建筑师培训,并在爱丁堡大学艺术学院获得建筑和视觉研究博士学位。他在意大利和国外的教学及其近期的工作都围绕着建筑摄影研究,分析与代表性相关的主题,作为建筑史调查和建筑遗产的工具。他的著作包括意大利语版本的罗伯特-拜伦(Robert Byron)的《建筑鉴赏》(2006)和赫尔穆特-格恩希姆(Helmut Gernshiem)的《聚焦建筑与雕塑》(2011)。除了他独著的《罗斯林教堂--历代的标志》(2008),马吉还与迈克尔-格雷合著了《伊夫林-乔治-凯里·福斯桥》(2009)一书,以及与尼古拉-纳沃内(Nicola Navone)合编了《约翰-索恩与瑞士木桥·从帕拉迪奥到格鲁本曼家族的建筑与技术文化》(2003)。他的著作《乔治·卡萨里摄影师/住所 1951-1983意大利的建筑、设计和艺术》(2013)通过对意大利最具影响力的摄影师的分析,研究了意大利建筑设计文化的历史。他还著有《图片图文百科》(2014)和《重观1893-2013年的威尼斯翁格尼亚/罗马诺西》(2014)。《美国之旅》(2020)一书专门介绍了布鲁诺-莫拉苏蒂 20 世纪 50 年代在弗兰克-劳埃德-赖特的塔利森研究中心的旅程。
他的新书《G.E. 基德-史密斯建筑·建筑摄影之旅》(2022)是第一本全面概述20世纪才华横溢的作家、摄影师和书籍“建造者”的书,他极大地影响了欧洲、美国和其他地区的建筑欣赏。
Angelo Maggi is associate professor of Architectural History and History of Architectural photography at Università IUAV di Venezia. He was trained as architect at IUAV and Edinburgh College of Art, where he obtained his Ph.D. in Architecture and Visual Studies. His teaching in Italy and abroad and its recent work has revolved around the study of architectural photography, analysing themes relative to representation understood as a tool of architectural history investigations and architectural heritage. His books include the Italian editions of Robert Byron’s The Appreciation of Architecture (2006) and Helmut Gernshiem’s Focus on Architecture and Sculpture (2011). Along with his soleauthored book Rosslyn Chapel an Icon through the ages (2008), Maggi co-authored (with Michael Gray) Evelyn George Carey. Forth bridge (2009) and co-edited (with Nicola Navone) John Soane and the Wooden Bridges of Switzerland. Architecture and the culture of technology from Palladio to the Grubenmanns (2003). His book Giorgio Casali Photographer / Domus 1951-1983. Architecture, Design and Art in Italy (2013) examines the history of the architectural design culture of Italy through an analysis of its most influential photographer. He is also author of Photo Graphic Pedia (2014) and Re-visioning Venice 1893-2013 Ongania/Romagnosi (2014). The book The American Journey (2020) is dedicated to Bruno Morassuti's journey in the 1950s at Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin fellowship.
He has been the curator with others of the Venice-Suzhou exhibition held worldwide in 2022, and he was also co-curator with Wang Lin (Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts) of the Venice Biennale show Hakka Earthen houses on variation – Cooperative living, art and migration architecture in China held at the 17th International Architecture Exhibition (June – November 2021).
He is currently full member of the Ph.D School in History of the Arts (Ca’Foscari University Venice) from 2010 and he is presently acting as University Iuav Vice-Rector for International Relations. He is responsible for all faculty staff and students’ exchanges (study and training) and he coordinates all the International institutional connections, collaborative projects, and MoUs.
His latest book G.E. Kidder Smith Builds. The Travel of Architectural Photography (2022), is the first comprehensive overview about a talented 20th-century writer, photographer, and “builder” of books who greatly impacted architecture appreciation in Europe, America and beyond.
中央美术学院建筑学院 中央美术学院建筑学院学术部
·雷姆·库哈斯(普利兹克奖获得者;中央美术学院荣誉教授、客座教授):近期创作与思考聚焦·莫森·莫斯塔法维(哈佛大学设计研究生院前院长;中央美术学院荣誉教授):建筑与情境·曹汛(著名园林学家;北京建筑大学教授;北京大学考古文博学院特聘教授):中国的造园艺术;中国的叠山名家;造园大师张南垣·矶崎新(国际著名建筑师;2019普里兹克奖获得者):“矶崎新之谜/‘息’+‘岛’篇”与“六十年代以来的建筑运动”·斯蒂文·霍尔(世界著名建筑家):“建筑创作”讲座与“锚固、知觉与建筑现象学”·崔愷(中国工程院院士;中国建筑设计研究院有限公司名誉院长、总建筑师;中央美术学院客座教授):“以土为本——探索绿色建筑新美学”·威尼·马斯(国际著名建筑师、城市规划师;MVRDV创始合伙人):建筑为众——MVRDV文化建筑实践·雷姆·库哈斯(普利兹克奖获得者;中央美术学院荣誉教授、客座教授):空间传记:中国文化 (上)·雷姆·库哈斯(普利兹克奖获得者;中央美术学院荣誉教授、客座教授):空间传记:中国文化 (下)·伊东丰雄(伊东丰雄建筑设计事务所创始人;2013普利兹克获得者):我的建筑论