Lecture Title:
Tomás Saraceno:Complementarities
Speaker: Tomás Saraceno
Host: Feng Mengbo
时间:2024年3月22日 18:30-20:30
Time: 18:30-20:30,22 March, 2024
Location: Auditorium, CAFA Art Museum
主办:中央美术学院国际合作与交流处,红砖美术馆中央美术学院实验艺术与科技艺术学院,中央美术学院美术馆,中央美术学院设计学院Organized:CAFA International Office,Red Brick Art MuseumCAFA School of Experimental and Sci-Tech Arts,CAFA Art Museum, CAFA School of Design
托马斯·萨拉切诺(1973年生)是一位居住在柏林的阿根廷裔艺术家,他的艺术项目有关生命形式与生命塑造的对话,致力于重新思考资本世时代的知识主线,并认识到多样化的存在方式如何涉及多重意义。二十多年来,萨拉切诺发起了多个开源、集体和跨学科项目,旨在重新思考大气的共同创造,包括Museo Aero Solar(2007至今)、Aerocene基金会(2015至今)和Arachnophilia,致力于追求生态社会正义,实现一个无碳排放的社会。
萨拉切诺与当地社区、科学研究人员和世界各地的机构合作,旨在寻求人类、技术和生物多样性之间更平等的平衡,并理解知识是在特定情况下产生的。他曾多次参与麻省理工学院艺术、科学与技术中心(2012至今)等驻地项目;在第20、21和26届联合国气候变化大会上提出艺术介入环境保护;并获得了科内克斯艺术与技术白金奖(2022)等。萨拉切诺一直是众多国际博物馆和机构举办个展和委任永久装置的选择,包括伦敦蛇形画廊(2023);塔斯马尼亚新旧艺术博物馆(2022);纽约 “棚屋”艺术中心(2022);日本东田艺术中心(2021);巴黎东京宫(2018);布宜诺斯艾利斯现代艺术博物馆(2017);K21北莱茵-威斯特法伦艺术品收藏斯坦德馆,杜塞尔多夫(2013);纽约大都会艺术博物馆(2012);柏林汉堡火车站美术馆(2011)。此外他还参与了诸多艺术节和双年展,包括第17届威尼斯建筑双年展(2020)以及第53届和第58届威尼斯双年展(2009,2019)。
Tomás Saraceno (b. 1973, he/him/his) is an Argentina-born, Berlin-based artist whose projects dialogue with forms of life and life-forming, rethinking dominant threads of knowledge in the Capitalocene era and recognizing how diverse modes of being engage a multiplicity of meanings. For more than two decades, Saraceno has activated open-source, collective and interdisciplinary projects aimed towards rethinking the co-creation of the atmosphere, including Museo Aero Solar (2007–), the Aerocene Foundation (2015–), and Arachnophilia, towards a society free from carbon emissions, for eco-social justice.
Saraceno’s work with local communities, scientific researchers, and institutions around the world, aims to seek out a more equal balance of human, techno and biodiversity, with the understanding that knowledge is produced from specific situations. He has held numerous residencies including MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology (2012–); has staged artistic interventions with COP20, COP21, and COP26; and received recognitions such as the Konex Platinum Award in Art and Technology (2022). Saraceno has been the subject of numerous solo exhibitions and permanent installations at museums and institutions internationally including the Serpentine Galleries, London (2023); Museum of Old and New Art, Tasmania (2022); The Shed, New York (2022); Towada Art Center, Japan (2021); Carte Blanche at Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2018); Museo de Arte Moderno, Buenos Aires (2017); K21 Kunstsammlung Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ständehaus, Dusseldorf (2013); the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York (2012); and Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart, Berlin (2011), and has participated in numerous festivals and biennales, including the 17th Venice Architecture Biennale (2020) and the 53rd and 58th Venice Biennales (2009, 2019).
《Aeroke 6》,2023,直径6 m透明和金属聚酯薄膜、空气压缩机,亚克力板,尼龙丝,麦克风,音频接口,耳机©托马斯·萨拉切诺。由艺术家和 Aerocene、纽约/洛杉矶谭雅·博纳达画廊和柏林纽格赫姆施耐德画廊提供。
5个框架,34.5 x 40.5 x 4.5 cm (每个)
《居住在空气海洋的底部》,201929.7 x 42 cm,印刷©托马斯·萨拉切诺。由艺术家、纽约/洛杉矶谭雅·博纳达画廊和柏林纽格赫姆施耐德画廊提供。