Art Museum Inaugural Issue

  • Chief Editor:Wu Qiong, Zhang Zikang
  • Deputy Editor:Wang Hui,Wang Chun Chen,Gao Gao,Wu Gang
  • Managing Editor:Wang Jing
  • Publication date:2020-2-29
  • Size:1/16
  • Number of pages:176
  • Price:48


Inaugural Editorial

Editor's Note


Art Museum 4.0: Context and Innovation of the New Era

The Development of Art Museum Towards Future, Written by Zhang Zikang

The Future of Art Museums through Change and Development, Written by Zhao Li

Development and Innovation of Art Museums in Digital Age, Written by Gao Peng

Bio Art's Institutionalization Strategy Under the Age of Re-materialization, Written by Wei Ying


"My Hands Beseech the Night in the Darkness", Written by Annabelle Teneze, Translated by Shi Leqi

Swiss Photographer Walter Bosshard and His Photos of the Anti-Japanese War in 1938, Written by Li Xuetao

Crossover: Re-thinking the Question of “Whose Museum”?, Written by Su Dianna

History and Collection of the Eskenazi Museum of Art at Indiana University, Written by Ge Xiuzhi


Dialogue with Wu Hung: Ideas and Methods of Curation, Written by Fan Liangjun

Curating in the Post-Internet Age, Written by Boris Groys, translated by Deng Jin

From Mythology to Daily Life: Patterns and System of the Global Biennials, Written by Wang Yang

Prometheus in Printmaking: Curatorial Thinking Behind the Li Hua Retrospective on the 110th Anniversary of His Birth, Written by Cai Meng

The Mainstream Narrative of Exhibition and Challenge Towards Mainstream Narrative: Case Study of the 3rd CAFAM Biennial, Written by Liu Xiyan


Chance and Nirvana: Discovery and Conservation of Seigai Omura’s Painting of Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara in Water Moon Form, Written by Li Yaochen, Dou Tianwei


The Visual Differance of An Exhibition: Design of “The Myth of Documenta” Exhibition, Written by Ji Yujie


Critical Thinking——The Review on“Intersection: International Art & Culture”, Written by Zhao Yu

Collective Glory and Individual Temperature: Case Study of “The Chinese Artists Abroad in France” Exhibition, Written by Ai Shu

Division and Reintegration, Written by Zheng Wen

Cultural Program “Bauhaus 100” and Its Exhibition “Bauhaus Imaginista”, Written by Zhang Chunyan


From an Academic Institution to an International Art Museum: CAFA Art Museum as an Intellectual Vehicle, Interview and text by Wang Jing, Hu Xinrong, Zheng Lijun, Lu Yufan, Zhuang Shuangbo

Director Talks: The Intellectual System and Academic Sharing of CAFA Art Museum, Intervew by Wang Jing, Zheng Lijun

Q&A with CAFAM Departments, Interview by Hu Xinrong, Zheng Lijun, Zhuang Shuangbo


CAFAM International Art Education Conference: Art Museum Forum | Report Art Museum in the Digital Era


Scan the QR code below to read the inaugural issue of Art Museum (in Chinese):



The inaugural issue of the academic journal Art Museum, co-produced by the Heilongjiang Art Museum and CAFA Art Museum, was just published. The magazine is devoted to offer professional, inspiring and cutting-edge content, which is based on the research and academic resources in art museum studies accumulated by CAFA Art Museum; it will serve the art museum industry, and is committed to become a field where academic studies and discussions on art museum studies would thrive. At a time when the creative mechanism worldwide is being altered by technologies, including the Internet, robotics and AI, when new visual and audio media and new channels through which the world is perceived are bieng invented, we sensed the strong power scientific revolution has over the civilization progress. As a space that observes, collects and discusses the civilization's achievements, siginificant art museums around the globe are prepared for the change. How do art museums involve in, exhibit and collect these most avant-garde visual artworks? How do art museums deal with the change of the relationship between the audience and the art? How do museums apply new media and knowledge production patterns in their intellectual public education? The Art Museum magazine will actively observe and participate in the important issues of art museum industry under this new context, and provide a platform for scholars in the industry to think, discuss and practice.

Free preview

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