Built upon the platform of CAFA Art Museum, the CAFAM Biennale is organized by the CAFA Art Museum. The first show was held from September to November in 2011 at the CAFAM, winning widespread praise. Upholding the academic orientation of internationality, contemporariness, and perspectiveness, the Second CAFAM Biennale is themed with “The Invisible Hand: Curating as Gesture” and discusses the spirit, status quo and characters of the development and experiment of contemporary culture and art. The Second CAFAM Biennale adopts innovative curating approaches and plays a unique and important role in contemporary curating events based on the establishment and development of the major of curation in art schools. This CAFAM Biennale invites professional teachers of curation department as academic advisors from famous international art schools, and students graduated from the major of curation with outstanding curation achievements as curators, building up a curator team with implications for innovation and teaching practice and experiment to make plans for, organize and implement this year’s CAFAM Biennale. According to their own academic interests, these recommended curators present art projects and artists they have been following, to render relevance between the practice of curation and art education and the ecology of contemporary art, and to promote the practice of curation and art both vertically and horizontally. Due to that this Biennale is a cross-region, cross-culture, horizontal curating practice, we lay greater emphasis on the transcendentality of issues and topics presented by curators, which means these performances of an art exhibition should go beyond the current scenario, specific categories, and a single discipline. At the same time, we also stress that it should not be an isolated exhibition plan and implementation practice, but an academic research that goes beyond curation. It reflects history in a vertical manner and bridges different disciplines horizontally, demonstrating the focus and uniqueness of contemporary international society with an artistic means. Moreover, international cooperation is an important feature of this year’s Biennale. Therefore, the translation or interpretation of concepts, works, and languages is also one of our concerns. Linguistic communication is always a cultural event. As long as there are cultural revolution and development, the textual translation will be concerned, underpinned by the transfer, transmission, and interpretation of cultural concepts. The method and target that goes beyond experience, curation, and translation intend to emphasize and reinforce, via a new type of biennale, the trend of comprehensive knowledge and art ecology of contemporary curation enabled by school education and social practice.