Mozart-Gene: Li Jiwei Solo Exhibition

  • Dates:2021-11-24 - 2022-01-09
  • Location:CAFAM 1st Floor
  • Opening:2021-11-24 16:00
  • Organizer(s): Embassy of the Republic of Austria in China Central Academy of Fine Arts
  • Undertaker: CAFA Art Museum
  • Chief Curator: Fan Di'an
  • Academic Director: Su Xinping
  • Exhibition Director: Zhang Zikang Wang Chuan Han Wenchao
  • Exhibition Planning: Wang Chunchen Gao Gao


"Mozart-Gene: Li Jiwei Solo Exhibition" is hosted by the Embassy of the Republic of Austria in China and Central Academy of Fine Arts, and is undertaken by CAFA Art Museum. The exhibition displays 17 works of artist Li Jiwei. As one of the programs to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Austria, the exhibition is a new result of cultural communications between the two countries.

There’s plenty of history between Li Jiwei and CAFA. After studying thoroughly into Chinese art at CAFA, Li went abroad to study at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. His creative practice is an example of the many Chinese artists who have expanded their stage from China to the world. For decades, Li creatively mixed the elements and aesthetics of China and the west. He broke down the boundaries between the traditional and the contemporary, and his canvas changed from the two-dimensional to three-dimensional, and even kinetic art, in which way he extended the expressiveness of ink and wash painting. In his cross-cultural journey, Li Jiwei has continuously explored and reflected upon culture and art, which makes his work a symbol of humanity that is beyond borders.

Li created 17 works specially for this exhibition. He experimented with transparent material and ink propylene. Through the magical effects of light, he transferred the spirit of Mozart’s music into the melody and poetry of vision. Through an abstract art form, he not only displayed music as it is, but also conveyed the idea that people and music are united into one. Using the concepts of deconstructionism and spirit of Chinese painting, he symbolically suggested the meaning of going beyond belief, pursuing freedom and returning to the nature in Mozart’s music. Through building an abstract and oriental visual space, Li expressed his understanding and respect towards Mozart’s spirit. Li’s works are also a contemporary response to an important question: How do we deal with the relationship between Chinese traditional art and western cultural heritage?

The exhibition is successful owing to the support of CAFA Bureau of International Collaboration, the Embassy of the Republic of Austria in China, especially its department of culture and department of science and technology, Mr. Li Jiwei and his production team, and many public organizations.


About Li Jiwei

Li Jiwei was born in Beijing in 1960. From 1980 to 1984, he studied at the Department of Chinese Painting at CAFA. He taught at the Department of Fine Arts at the Beijing Film Academy from 1984 to 1988. From 1990 to 1993, he studied from Professor Markus Prachensky at the Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien. He participated in the Abstract Painting Masterclass, and won the Masterclass Award and scholarship. By the time he graduated with a master degree in Fine Arts, he was also awarded a Goldener Fügerpreis. In 1994, Li joined the Austrian Professional Artists Association. He traveled and lived in the US and Canada (in cities and regions like New York, Washington, Boston, San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Vancouver, Calgary and Montreal). From 1999 to 2001, he studied multimedia art at the Universität der Künste Berlin. He has been living in Berlin and Beijing since 1996.

Li Jiwei is a student of Mr. Ye Qianyu. Under the guidance of Mr. Ye’s idea of "Learn widely and see widely", Li Jiwei studied deeply into the tradition of Chinese art in his days at CAFA, while thinking non-stopping about how to break from the tradition and create works of his time. During his study in Austria and Germany, he systematically studied the history of western art, especially the development course of contemporary art. From large-scale public art, to installations and canvas paintings, Li’s works have always been a creation across the traditional and the contemporary, a mixture of east and west, and a new and unique visual language created with new media and materials.


As one of the programs to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Austria, CAFA is grateful to co-host the "Mozart-Gene: Li Jiwei Solo Exhibition" with the Embassy of the Republic of Austria in China. The exhibition is a new result of cultural communications between the two countries, showing the effort of Mr Li Jiwei that created works especially for this exhibition, and also shows the good wishes to the bright future of the diplomatic relationship between China and Austria.

Mr. Li Jiwei embarked on the road of art in the era of China's reform and opening up. His art is representative of the experience of a generation of Chinese artists going out from China to the world. As an alumnus of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he once studied traditional Chinese art, and his studies in Austria and Germany enabled him to broadly study the western art, and moreover, to integrate himself into the development of international contemporary art. His outstanding artistic talent and passion for exploration are fully reflected in his decades of creation. In large-scale public art, in the use of new media and new materials, in the "cross-border" integration and innovation, he has produced many works full of romantic imagination and visual poetry. His works are the combination of the traditional Chinese philosophical concept of "the unity of nature and man" and the "creation" method, and are also the conceptual outcome of contemporary art's awareness of people and the world, life and destiny. It can be said that he is an outstanding artist who interweaves Chinese and Western art elements into a visual spectacle on a cross-cultural journey.

In the exhibition "Mozart-Gene", we can see Li Jiwei's typical language. He calmly controlled the material as medium, turning the sculpture-like objects into a magical wizard in the light effect, and the sound of music into a visible melody, showing the transcendence of faith, the pursuit of freedom and the yearning for nature in Mozart's music. With the theme of Austria’s cultural pride and the Mozart music loved by the Chinese people, Mr. Li Jiwei’s new work is an artistic commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Austria.

The spread of Covid epidemic around the world has brought severe challenges to mankind. It has made us more mourn the lives that have passed away and more cherish the value of life. The Austrian Embassy in China, the International Office of CAFA and my colleagues in the Art Museum have all provided strong support to have this exhibition be held in Mr. Li Jiwei’s alma mater this time. We all believe that excellent art can heal people’s psychological trauma, give people warm comfort and hopes, just like the deep humanitarian spirit in Mozart’s music as an important cultural gene, and always give people the courage to look forward for the future.

Director of CAFA

President of China Artists Association

Fan Di'an

Early winter, 2021

As one of the programs to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between China and Austria, CAFA is grateful to co-host the "Mozart-Gene: Li Jiwei Solo Exhibition" with the Embassy of the Republic of Austria in China. The exhibition is a new result of cultural communications between the two countries, showing the effort of Mr Li Jiwei that created works especially for this exhibition, and also shows the good wishes to the bright future of the diplomatic relationship between China and Austria.

Mr. Li Jiwei embarked on the road of art in the era of China's reform and opening up. His art is representative of the experience of a generation of Chinese artists going out from China to the world. As an alumnus of the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he once studied traditional Chinese art, and his studies in Austria and Germany enabled him to broadly study the western art, and moreover, to integrate himself into the development of international contemporary art. His outstanding artistic talent and passion for exploration are fully reflected in his decades of creation. In large-scale public art, in the use of new media and new materials, in the "cross-border" integration and innovation, he has produced many works full of romantic imagination and visual poetry. His works are the combination of the traditional Chinese philosophical concept of "the unity of nature and man" and the "creation" method, and are also the conceptual outcome of contemporary art's awareness of people and the world, life and destiny. It can be said that he is an outstanding artist who interweaves Chinese and Western art elements into a visual spectacle on a cross-cultural journey.

In the exhibition "Mozart-Gene", we can see Li Jiwei's typical language. He calmly controlled the material as medium, turning the sculpture-like objects into a magical wizard in the light effect, and the sound of music into a visible melody, showing the transcendence of faith, the pursuit of freedom and the yearning for nature in Mozart's music. With the theme of Austria’s cultural pride and the Mozart music loved by the Chinese people, Mr. Li Jiwei’s new work is an artistic commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Austria.

The spread of Covid epidemic around the world has brought severe challenges to mankind. It has made us more mourn the lives that have passed away and more cherish the value of life. The Austrian Embassy in China, the International Office of CAFA and my colleagues in the Art Museum have all provided strong support to have this exhibition be held in Mr. Li Jiwei’s alma mater this time. We all believe that excellent art can heal people’s psychological trauma, give people warm comfort and hopes, just like the deep humanitarian spirit in Mozart’s music as an important cultural gene, and always give people the courage to look forward for the future.

Director of CAFA

President of China Artists Association

Fan Di'an

Early winter, 2021





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“莫扎特-基因:李继伟艺术展”正在中央美术学院美术馆一层大厅展出。所有参展作品都是李继伟为这个特定的展览空间在今年创作的新作。他象征地表现莫扎特音乐中超越信仰,追求自由和回归自然的意义,通过塑造一个抽象的,含有东方元素的视觉空间表达对音乐家莫扎特创造精神的感知与理解。1. 形式此次展览是使用多媒介综合表现的方式,融合亚克力、灯光、水墨、颜色、金属等不同材料,以及解构主义、水墨概念、抽象绘画色彩构成的元素,创作了系列装置作品。在展览准备的初期,首先考虑的是空间。空间与作品、与人的关系,具象空间与抽象空间的关系,空间维度的转换和延续,作品与作品之间以及作品本身的关系。通过平面、立体造型、光影、材料等营造的视觉感官引起想象和精神感应,创造出具有当代感的虚幻意识空间。基因系列118-09  亚克力、丙烯、LED  123 x 81 x 28 厘米  2021年2. 视听转换与抽象意识音乐作为听觉艺术的存在,是有着抽象意识情感生命的。而音乐大师莫扎特世人皆知,他已成为音乐的代名词。当代人类社会的进化与演变,生物基因是重要的因素之一,是人类遗传重要细胞组织,是人与人之间区别个性特征的自然生物体证。天才莫扎特的基因是他创造音乐个性的重要因素。为此我想从另外一个角度,转换音乐听觉欣赏的惯例,用视觉表现看不见的节奏、情绪、精神和音乐深层的抽象意识。使用透明的材料,穿越基因与人类生活隔离的一层生物体界限,有形与无形地表现基因个性存在的重要含义。从“F-大调”到“基因系列”,再到“莫扎特-基因”,是一个从具象走向抽象,解构之后再创造的过程。切开莫扎特头像,剖析自我对于音乐背后的感知,在切割后形成的间隙中,弥散着无形的、抽象的事物,而“基因系列”中塑造的独立生命体可以说是将这种事物可视化。这些形态奇异、富有动态视觉的生命物质、彼此通过外部空间在传递、交换着某种信息,这是在生物基础之上人的意识、思想、观念等精神活动。最后多维度的理解,把所有的语言用一句话说出来,转换为最简洁有力的表现:“莫扎特-基因”,它像一只巨大的抽象“蓝手”,以虚幻的动势在“触摸”着空气。象征精神流动支配行为,创造艺术及各种事物,影响人类科学、伦理、生物进化与意识演变。莫扎特-基因亚克力、丙烯、金属、LED650 x 370 x 320厘米2021年3. 实现实施制作中,先要画出脑子里想的一个概念,把它进行立体造型与建造结构的整体视图化。再将它们局部分解,使用亚克力材料进行各种异形的制作,并把这些异形体再进行组合,实现最初的观念造型装置。亚克力的可塑性很强,并有很好的透明度,它具有空间视野和丰富的色彩,并极具当代感和吸引力。它的软与硬的不确定性与其它材料产生了即柔和又矛盾的关系。基因系列118-01  亚克力、丙烯、LED  150 x 100 x 26厘米  2021年基因系列118-03  亚克力、丙烯、LED  150 x 100 x 28厘米  2021年创作中随时考虑异形的局部与整体造型关系,异形与平面的空间关系,同时考虑水墨和色彩的形式。有意识的选择材料的叠加、组合、分离,利用水墨与颜色的流动性和光感效果的颠覆性。对材料进行实验性的了解,最终光影把这些多媒介组合、精简和控制在一个时空节点集中表现。不同灯光决定了立体结构起伏变化的程度、颜色倾向,制造了色彩、材料、结构之间的视觉关系和不同形式的效果。它既模糊了艺术表现形式与材料运用的界限,还刺激我们对美术作品惯性标准的要求。基因系列118-08亚克力、丙烯、LED152 x 101 x 31 厘米2021年基因系列118-07亚克力、丙烯、LED152 x 101 x 32 厘米2021年整个制造过程并不是雕塑里的小形体放大作品的概念,而是充满感官意识与意外变化的制作。它既充满自然动感活力,又承担了异型制作不可修正的风险,每件都是不可复制的唯一作品。4. 思想和行为人类从农业、科技、工业、信息革命至今,社会生活随着技术超越的发展不断演化,人类一直在挑战人类自己生命的极限。今天的哲学、科学、信仰和对生命本质的认识发生了根本变化,虚拟抽象的存在成为现实的一部分,隐藏在人们背后的意识影响了思想和行为。艺术家用当代艺术对自我感知世界做出重新的表述,而形式与媒介是为了表达观念而使用的工具,它包括但不限于:平面的绘画、颜色、雕塑、影像、多媒体,音乐、形体等等。艺术行为本身就具有真正的含义,只不过当艺术家完全抛开对形象的表现,观众有时会茫然。写实和抽象其实一个太极的状态,相互融合的矛盾成为一个整体。艺术是一段没有走完的路,走向抽象、观念、当代性是传统一定要走的路,只有当代才能凸显传统的价值.....基因系列M-08-12丙烯、画布200 x 150 x 5厘米x32021年过去历史的艺术是从对信仰的赞颂开始的,继而演变到写实,视觉的理解都是第一位的。而视觉在当代艺术中是第二位的,首先是从人性和意识去理解艺术,观念是最重要的核心。文/李继伟展览现场艺术家简介李继伟,1960年出生于北京。1980年至1984年,就读于中央美术学院国画系,获得文学学士学位。1984年至1988年,任教于北京电影学院美术系。1990年至1993年,就读于奥地利维也纳美术学院,师从Markus Prachensky 教授,参加“抽象绘画大师班”并获得“大师班”奖及奖学金,就读期间还获得“富格”金奖(Goldener Fügerpreis)和艺术硕士学位。1994年,加入奥地利职业艺术家协会。1995年至1996年,旅居考察美国,加拿大(走访纽约、华盛顿、波士顿、旧金山、洛杉矶、圣地亚哥及温哥华,卡尔加里,蒙特利尔)。1999年至2001年就读于德国柏林艺术大学多媒体专业。自1996年起,生活及工作于柏林、北京。李继伟是中央美术学院国画系80级叶浅予先生主持的实验班的学生。在叶浅予先生“博学博览”的指导思想下,李继伟在校期间曾深入学习过中国画的传统,一直在思考如何面对和开拓传统,创造出与时代相呼应的作品。经过在奥地利和德国的学习,他系统研究了西方艺术特别是当代艺术的发展历程。而他的作品,无论是大型公共艺术还是装置和布上绘画,跨越传统到当代,融合东方和西方,运用新媒体、新材料,形成自成一格的抽象视觉语言。展览信息莫扎特—基因:李继伟艺术展展览时间:2021年11月24日至2022年1月9日展览地点:中央美术学院美术馆一层大厅主办:奥地利驻华大使馆、中央美术学院承办:中央美术学院美术馆| 温馨提示 |因校园疫情防控要求,美术馆暂停对外开放,期间校内师生可正常参观。我们将通过作品推送、线上展厅等形式与公众分享交流,请您持续关注。
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CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

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II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

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The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Group Visit Agreement
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CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Event Booking Form

Valid Certificate: Identity Card
ID Number:


Hello! Thank you for participating in our public education event and we are looking forward to seeing you! If you cannot attend the event on time, please send a text message to 13261936837 (Liang) to cancel the booking. Please be aware that your eligibility for using the quick booking may be affected If you cancel the booking more than three times. Thank you for your understanding!