“Museum and New Application Technology” Beijing Forum and Workshop, International Seminar in 2013

The rise of the network and digital civilization represented by the Internet is quietly changing people’s behavior and way of thinking and has even changed the people’s way of life to a great extent. The arrival of the Internet and the digital age has also increased the possibilities of adding new definitions to the museum. The major museums and art galleries in the world are also subverting the traditional display mode with the digital technology: it is the case not only for the large-scale national art units such as the National Palace Museum and the National Art Museum of China, many private art galleries, art centers and galleries are also advancing their network digitization process to varying degrees.

Top scholars, artists and museum and art gallery professionals will gather together in the “Museum and New Application Technology” Beijing Forum and Workshop to discuss the topics on the digital cultural heritage, creative practice, interactive design, mixed media, emerging technologies and so on. The interdisciplinary pioneers from different countries and regions in the world will exchange and discuss a series of cutting-edge topics such as the cultural heritage visualization, emerging technologies, and museum design.

The two-day seminar is composed of two parts: the keynote speech and the workshop. The first day will start with a keynote speech. Twelve researchers from European and American museums will discuss the critical issues of the contemporary museum technology management through a series of demonstrations and case studies, such as websites, online exhibitions and social media, educational tools, open data and open culture, customer relationship management (CRM) events and fundraising, archival and digital projects. 

In the second day, the participants will be provided with opportunities through the workshop to provide specific advice and development ideas for their institutions. The potential topics include website design, mobile device strategies, indicator and web traffic analysis, educational platforms, digital publishing, digital gallery tools and social media.

The CAFA specially initiated the “Museum and New Application Technology” Beijing Forum and Workshop, the Museums and the Web International Seminar from December 14, 2013 (Saturday) to December 15 (Sunday). It invited the domestic industry colleagues to carry out exchanges and discussions. That is the first time in the art gallery circles of China to hold academic forum activities in the relevant fields, which has important historical and practical significance. 

The National Specialized committee of the Art Museum, 
American Alliance of Museum and Networks, 
the CAFA Art Museum   

Sponsors: The National Specialized committee of the Art Museum, American Alliance of Museum and Networks, 
the CAFA Art Museum

Supported by the US Embassy in China (Beijing)

Forum time: December 14 to 15, 2013

Forum site: the CAFA Art Museum

Forum Topics 

December 14, 2013 (Saturday)

The Theme of the opening ceremony: Building a networked museum

The modern art museum is no longer a dusty warehouse or ivory tower but is gradually becoming an Internet node. On this network platform linking 2.7 billion users, tens of thousands of museums are providing mass information. This phenomenon is undoubtedly a warning to the museum constructors and staff.

Rich will discuss this topic based on his experience in network culture and technical construction, and will also talk about his involvement in planning and establishing the Broad Museum. The Broad is a contemporary art museum that was opened in Los Angeles in 2014. He will bring the audiences the most cutting-edge technical solutions designed for cultural institutions, covering the architectural structure of the museum and the multidisciplinary team building.

Keynote speaker: Rich Cherry

The co-chairman of the American Alliance of Museum and Networks and the deputy director of the Broad Museum

Sales strategy of the cultural industry and the practice

Unlike most museum staffs, the dealers in the cultural industry often cooperate with many different types of museums. Therefore, they have unique insight into how to make corresponding strategies in different environments, and they provide a crucial service platform for museums. In this link, the guests will share their work experience in the field of art museums.

Keynote speaker: Nancy Proctor

The co-chairman of the American Alliance of Museum and Networks

Guests: Paul Thyssen, Gallery Systems;

Alex Palin & Vera Duin, IZI.travel;

Scott Brewer & Tony Holzner, Art Processors

Chris Mclaren, Tristan Interactive/Espro-Acoustiguide


Key issues: Curation in the digital age

Now is an Internet digital age. Countless artworks are moving toward the digital informatization, and even the digital artworks have emerged. In this link, we will discuss the impact on, and the changes in curation brought about by this era background.

A roundtable discussion on the changing and transformational nature of curation in the era of the Internet, digitization, and 'born-digital' artworks.

Presenter: Daisy Yiyou Wang

The Chinese and East Asia art curator of Peabody Essex Museum

Guests: Adriel Luis

The digital and new media curator of Smithsonian Asian Pacific Center

Sarah Kenderdine

The special project curator of Victoria Museum, Australia and the researcher of City University of Hong Kong

Tian Feiyu

The director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art


Forum 1: The Public education of museum——from intervention to revolution

The emergence of new communication platforms and social media has undoubtedly promoted the development of museums in communication, cooperation, and display of content. In this link, educators and innovators from the frontier art museums will explore how to properly follow this trend to design more effective educational strategies and programs.

Presenter: Patricia Rodewald

 The counselor of Beijing Museum and the former director of the department of public education of High Museum of Art

Guests: Sara Bodinson

The director of the research department of MoMA

Domestic scholars

The CAFA Art Museum

Forum 2: Mobile Museum

It has been more than 60 years since the museum displayed exhibits and held exhibitions with mobile technology. Jack Ludden, Rich Cherry, and Nancy Proctor will show the audiences the status of mobile applications and mobile networks in the art world today, and discuss both the content and technology issues, including location services and feedback-based design strategies.

Presenter: Nancy Proctor

The co-chairman of the American Alliance of Museum and Networks

Guests: Jack Ludden

The director assistant of the network and new media development of Paul Getty Trust Fund

Rich Cherry

The associate director of Broad Art Foundation and the co-chairman of the American Alliance of Museum and Networks


Closing meeting: Google Art Project and Google Cultural Institute

In this link, it will introduce the Google Art Project and the achievements and responses of the Google Art Institute and other organizations. The participants can present their ideas and suggestions for the development of this project and other digital museum cooperation platforms.

Keynote speaker: Lauren Nemroff 

British Google Art Project and Google Art Institute

Guests: PearlYao 

Google (China) Strategic Cooperation and Development Department

December 15, 2013 (Sunday)

Workshop: Cross-platform digital design

In order to get good audience feedback through the popular communication platforms nowadays, more and more museums use the “feedback design” to present the web contents. In the process of digitalization, the museum will construct a virtual way to show the exhibition content to the audiences and gain the experience of visiting the exhibition. In this process, there are three crucial core factors: the selection of communication platform, team technology, and collaboration, and audience influence. This workshop will discuss this topic and discuss how feedback design meets the needs and expectations of an audience.

Keynote speaker: Jack Ludden

The director assistant of the network and new media development of Paul Getty Trust Fund

Adriel Luis

The digital and new media curator of Smithsonian Asian Pacific Center


Workshop: Digital publishing

Susan Chun, who once worked for the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Asia Society and the Philadelphia Museum of Art, will share her decades of work experience in the museum with the audiences and provide recommendations on how the museum can achieve the digital and multilingual publication.


Keynote speaker: Susan Chun

The American independent consultant and researcher


Workshop: Construction of the digital art museum

Keynote speaker: Wang Chun

The director of the Department of Information and Communication of the National Art Museum of China


Workshop: Beijing International Design Week and Beijing Digital Design Market

Keynote speaker: Zeng Hui

The deputy director of the committee of the Beijing International Design Week and Beijing Design Market


Overview: An in-depth observation of the Cleveland Museum of Art: Gallery One and the Art Camera Project

In the “Museum and Network”, an “in-depth observation” of the Gallery One and Art Camera project at the Cleveland Museum of Art was conducted. In this link, it will present the results of the survey to the audiences. On September 18, 19 this year, more than 50 museum professionals from all over the world gathered at the Cleveland Museum of Art to attend the lectures, seminars, and workshops. The digital publication of this event is about to be released, and Nancy and Susan will share their views and opinions with the audiences.

Keynote speaker: Nancy Proctor

The co-chairman of the American Alliance of Museum and Networks

Susan Chun

The American independent consultant and researcher


Workshop: Service and Audio Guide of the Public Wechat Platform of Art Museums

Keynote speaker: Sun Limei

The deputy director of the Information Network Department of the National Museum of China

Liu Jun

The section chief of the Website Office of the Information Network Department of the National Museum of China

Workshop: “Video Production 101” Project Sharing


The costs for art institutions to create their videos will be much lower than they thought. The creation based on the unconventional techniques can produce a relatively casual communication mode and make it easier for visitors to understand their contents. How to develop the acceptable unique content in a low-cost text editing mode? The reflections on the content, circumstances, and methods of communication will provide a fundamental solution for this.

Keynote speaker: Anna ChiarettaLavatelli

The manager of the online video-producing project of the Balboa Park


Workshop: The new trend of the digital cooperation

How does the museum carry on research, design, development and carry out the cross digital platform projects through collaboration and interaction? This workshop will discuss this issue step-by-step and provide an overview. Through the case studies of the MoMA and the High Museum of Art, the workshop will also emphasize the importance of the guided audience surveys in the development of the project, and provide specific examples to discuss how the user feedback exerts a lasting effect on the development of the digital products in the cycle period.

Keynote speaker: Sara Bodinson

The director of the Research Department of the MoMA

Patricia Rodewald

The Consultant of Beijing Museum and the former director of the Department of Public Education, High Museum of Art


Workshop: The “Immersive” Experience of the Digital Museum

This workshop will give an overview of the following two aspects: the cutting-edge technologies in the cultural space and the digital thinking about the “immersive” personal experiences. This dialogue will demonstrate the recent projects of the art museum, the library, the innovation research center of the archives center and museum (iGLAM), and the interactive visual and application laboratory (ALiVE) of the City University of Hong Kong by recording the diverse datasets of the tangible cultural heritage and the intangible culture heritage.

Keynote speaker: Sarah Kenderdine

The special planner of the Victoria Museum, Australia and the Director of Teaching Research of the City University of Hong Kong


Workshop: Digital Application and Research of the Cultural Heritage

Keynote speaker: Yan Feng

The director of the National Digital Media Research Center of the CAFA and the director of the Interaction Design Laboratory of the CAFA


Workshop: Future Digital Art Museum

In the age of information, human needs for the information and interaction far beyond the past. The art museum, as an essential carrier of the public education of art, faces a transformation from one-way artistic aesthetics output to two-way interaction with visitors. This kind of two-way communication can collect feedback and data from the audiences on the one hand, and it can make the popularization of aesthetic education more targeted and effective on the other side. We will show the common research practices of the CAFA Art Museum: the technology is no longer an obstacle, there is no distance to the art, and everyone will love the art museums.

Keynote speaker: Tang Bin

The deputy director of the CAFA Art Museum

Li Wenlong

The industrial design teacher of the CAFA

Chen Weiping

The lecturer of the Department of Design of the CAFA


Closing meeting: Question and answer

In this link, the participants can raise questions to all the experts in any aspect of the previous two days of speeches and discussions, and also discuss topics that have not yet been involved. At the same time, other museum staff and social media are welcome to participate in the dialogue. It expected that more information resources and innovative thinking would emerge at the final stage.

Presenter: Rich Cherry

 The associate director of the Broad Art Foundation and the co-chairman of the American Alliance of Museum and Networks

Summary speech: Fan Di’an

The director of the National Art Museum of China and the director of the specialized committee of the national museum

Wang Huangsheng

The director of the CAFA Art Museum and the deputy director of the specialized committee of the national museum

Forum speaker and guests: Chairs and Panelists 


Fan Di’an, the director of the National Art Museum of China and the director of the specialized committee of the national museum

Wang Huangsheng, the director of the CAFA Art Museum and the deputy director of the specialized committee of the national museum

Zeng Hui, the deputy director of the committee of the Beijing International Design Week and Beijing Design Market

Sun Limei, the deputy director of the Information Network Department of the National Museum of China

Liu Jun, the section chief of the Website Office of the Information Network Department of the National Museum of China

Wang Chun, the director of the Department of Information and Communication of the National Art Museum of China

Ge Yi, the project manager of the Department of Information and Communication of the National Art Museum of China

Tang Bin, the deputy director of the CAFA Art Museum

Ren Rui, the deputy director of the Department of Public Education of the CAFA Art Museum

Yan Feng, the director of the National Digital Media Research Center of the CAFA and the director of the Interaction Design Laboratory of the CAFA

Li Wenlong, the industrial design teacher of the CAFA, the initiator of “Mr. A”

Chen Weiping, the lecturer of the Department of Design of the CAFA

Rich Cherry, the co-chairman of the American Alliance of Museum and Networks and the deputy director of the Broad Museum, responsible for supervising the operation management of the Broad and supporting the planning and construction of the Broad. Lead the museum on planning, recruitment, and operations, and focus on the operations, marketing, technology, finance, security, collections, and visitor services.

Nancy Proctor, the co-chairman of the American Alliance of Museum and Networks. He served as the project chairman at the 2010-2011 Museum Computer Network Conference, managed the podcast series of MuseumMobile.Info, and served as the digital curation editor for The Museum Journal.

Adriel Luis, the digital and new media curator of Smithsonian Asian Pacific Center. As the first digital curator at Smithsonian, Luis focuses on discovering the new ways of creating and consuming art, history, and culture.

Anna ChiarettaLavatelli, the manager of the online video-producing project of the Balboa Park. As the manager of the online video-producing project of the Balboa Park, Lavatelli manages the online video projects; as a consultant, she also provides support on video processing, installation technology, and equipment purchase for art museums and individual artists.

Daisy Yiyou Wang, the Chinese and East Asia art curator of Peabody Essex Museum. Yiyou Wang has dabbled in various forms of the traditional and contemporary art collections and has won the museum leader’s bonus of the Getty Foundation, the Smithson post-doctoral bonus and the Smithson bonus for “carrying forward the world culture”.

Jennifer Mundy, the director of the Research Department of Tate, responsible for carrying out the strategy and management research project for the collections of Tate.

Jack Ludden, the director assistant of the network and new media development of Paul Getty Trust Fund. Ludden assists in defining the strategic vision of Getty through the Internet and other new media, and his team supports Getty to present its content to the digital distribution channels. 
Lauren Nemroff, British Google Art Project, and Google Art Institute.

Patricia Rodewald, the counselor of Beijing Museum and the former director of the department of public education of High Museum of Art

Philip Tinari, the director of the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art

Pearl Yao, Google (China) Strategic Cooperation and Development Department

Sara Bodinson, the director of the Interpretation and Research Department of MOMA

Sarah Kenderdine, the special project curator of Victoria Museum, Australia and the researcher of the City University of Hong Kong. Kenderdine’s research directions focus mainly on the interactive and immersive frontier experience of museums and galleries, which made him the pioneer of the three-dimensional presentation system and content creation.

Susan Chun, the American independent consultant, and researcher, and the researcher and consultant of the cultural heritage organization. Proficient in publishing, information management, collections, cultural data analysis, intellectual property policies and multilingual development and management

Chief planner: Wang Huangsheng

Co-ordinator: Tang Bin

Planner: Ren Rui, Patricia Rodewald, Fang Miner

Project development and coordination: Nancy Proctor, Rich Cherry, Hiroko Kusano, Titus Bicknell

Project leader: Ren Rui

Conference coordination: Fang Miner

Administrative coordination: Yuan Rui, Jiang Guijie, Yang Liu

Guest reception: Tian Xiaoyun, Li Yingtian

Media reception: He Yisha, Du Yinzhu

Equipment support: Sun Wei, Guo Xu

Safety guarantee: Chen Xiaohua, Zhu Yongkang

Photography and video recording: Ding Yi, Dong Huiping, Quan Jing

Designer: Yi Yiliang 

Tag: Museum&Web

Tags: Museum&Web

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Child Public Education Reservation Form

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Group Public Education Event Reservation Form

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Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Event Booking Form

Valid Certificate: Identity Card
ID Number:


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