Art & Artists Artists & Collections Artists Marc Quinn

Marc Quinn


The art wave appeared in the late 20th century attempted to fill the gap between art and the public, and it have indeed made art available to the public, as the tide has spread so far. Marc Quinn is a pioneer who tirelessly breaks through the barriers and brings more people into the wave. The concept of “opposition” makes his works outstanding and “crossing and returning” is the motivation of his constant change of perspectives. When standing in front of his works, people seem to be blind, narrow and powerless, and eventually, more people will join in and become part of the trend.

The art wave appeared in the late 20th century attempted to fill the gap between art and the public, and it have indeed made art available to the public, as the tide has spread so far. Marc Quinn is a pioneer who tirelessly breaks through the barriers and brings more people into the wave. The concept of “opposition” makes his works outstanding and “crossing and returning” is the motivation of his constant change of perspectives. When standing in front of his works, people seem to be blind, narrow and powerless, and eventually, more people will join in and become part of the trend.

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《皮相之下》已然接近尾声,这场展览精选了马克·奎恩(Marc Quinn)不同创作节点的作品,将艺术家的多条创作线索混置其中,彼此相交,延展,由此而生的复杂性,同样是展览中引人深思的部分。在皮相之下似乎仍存有未知的境地,它们隐匿在不同线索之间微妙的关联和分别上,本文从创作思维的角度切入,探寻马克·奎恩作品的特质。

Under the Skin: Conversation with Marc Quinn | Lecture Report


On the opening day of Marc Quinn’s exhibition Under the Skin at CAFA Art Museum, the artist had a conversation with CAFAM’s Vice President, Professor Wang Chunchen, and art critic and curator Jonas Stampe.



2019年3月8日, “马克・奎恩:皮相之下” 于中央美术学院美术馆开幕。展览呈现了著名英国艺术家马克・奎恩(Marc Quinn)的一系列作品,作为同时代中最具代表性的艺术家之一,奎恩的作品不断反复探索了艺术与科学、人体、情感以及对美的认知的主题。本次展览是艺术家首个在中国的美术馆级的展览,共带来奎恩跨越三十年艺术生涯中的多个系列作品,研究他长期关注的身份认同的主题。以下是“凤凰艺术”为您带来的评论报道。



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Marc Quinn: Under the Skin


CAFA Art Museum, Beijing, will present a selection of the work of the acclaimed British artist Marc Quinn this March. One of the leading artists of his generation, Quinn’s work explores recurring them... ...更多
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