Art Talks

CAFAM Art Talks Program invites experts, scholars and art professionals for a series of academic lectures. The talks present new ideas at a global level and bring you closer to the academia. 

Have We Never Been Modern? – Dialogue with Bruno Latour...

2017-05-13 30375 read

Latour has planned several exhibitions and he modestly called himself “an immature curator”, whose curatorial idea was mainly trying to combine his own research and the creation of artists with the aim of thought provoking.

Burden and Fly Over: About Anself Kiefer...

2016-12-30 19673 read

The lecture discussed from four angles about Anselm Kiefer and his creative practices.

Germany’s Memory and Reflection on the Two World Wars - “Anselm Kiefer in China” Academic Lecture Se...

2016-12-23 4466 read

To understand Anselm Kiefer’s works, one cannot set aside the cultural and historical background behind the artist’s creative practices, and German mythology, legends and collective memory. The expert in German history, Prof. Li Wei from Department o...

“Anselm Kiefer in China” Academic Lecture Series (Part II) – Art History Forums on “Creation and Hi...

2016-12-04 31473 read

Anselm Kiefer is one of the most prestigious artists in post-WWII Germany. His photography and performance work 'Occupations' (Besetzungen) was initially banned, but that's where his career began. How does Kiefer's art relate to German culture and th...

Symposium on Matthew Barney’s Art Creation...

2016-09-26 30420 read

From September 22 to 24, 2016, the American art master Matthew Barney brought his operatic film “River of Fundament” to CAFA, which was the Asian premiere. The symposium was held following that.

Brazilian Art History: Tradition Meets Modern | Lecture Report...

2015-12-16 28316 read

Dr. Christus Nobrega introduced the development of Brazilian art since 1500, dividing that history with the year 1816, 1922, 1950, 1960 and 2000 in a very clear sequence and logic.

Yin Jinan : Principle and Poetry - My Personal Study Life...

2015-12-09 3688 read

Mr. Yin Jinan is the dean of the humanities faculty at the China Central Academy of Fine Arts, a well-known art historian, and a professor of Chinese art history. However, what Mr. Yin brought in this lecture was not his academic research achievement...

An Overview of the Lecture “Botero in China - Talks with Fernando Botero”...

2015-11-24 39934 read

On November 24, in the evening, the national artist Fernando Botero who comes from Colombia was invited to the CAFA Art Museum to participate in the dialogue activity "Botero in China". The older generation artist, Xing Xiaosheng who studied in Franc...

“Looking Back on Asia” Series Lectures Lecture Two: Turkey – A Country with Mystery...

2015-11-20 3457 read

This lecture gave a brief introduction of the history and institution of the Ottoman Empire. Focusing on the decline of the Ottoman Empire and the rise of Nationalism, it tried to discuss the construction process of the Turkish nation-state. Then it...

Contemporary Way of Painting: Markus Lüpertz and German Neo-Expressionism...

2015-04-27 29956 read

Born in Reichenberg in 1941, Markus Lüpertz was the rector of Kunstakademie Düsseldorf from 1988 to 2009, having taught a great number of students including the now representative of German woodcut painting artists, Matthias Mansen, Felix Druze and M...
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