CAFAM Experiences

In a multi-dimensional, immersive environment, CAFAM Experiences presents an artistic viewpoint while engaging deeply with high technology. By exploring the multi-faceted nature of the museum, these programs enhance audience participation in CAFAM.

中央美院美术馆公益导览安排 ...

2024-12-23 181 read


中央美院美术馆公益导览安排(12月17日—12月22日)| 志愿者持续招募...

2024-12-16 175 read


中央美院美术馆公益导览安排(12月10日—12月15日)| 志愿者持续招募...

2024-12-09 211 read


中央美院美术馆公益导览安排(11月26日-12月1日)| 志愿者持续招募...

2024-11-25 253 read


Public Guided Tours at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (Nov. 19-Nov. 24) | Volunteers Wanted!...

2024-11-19 259 read


Volunteer Meet and Greet at the Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum was held successfully...

2024-11-07 8280 read


Public Guided Tours at The Central Academy of Fine Arts (Nov. 5 - Nov. 10) | Volunteers Wanted!...

2024-11-05 331 read


Public Guided Tours at the Central Academy of Fine Arts (Oct. 29-Nov. 3) | Volunteers Wanted!...

2024-10-28 350 read


Experimental Art Open Course 2: Modelling Basis: how to reflect time and space...

2014-09-04 3669 read

Mr. Sun Lei's lecture discussed two modeling methods: time modeling and space modeling. By citing different interpretations of the word "modeling", Mr. Sun pointed out that most people have some misunderstanding about "modeling".

Experimental Art Open Course 1: Visual Approaches...

2014-09-02 4346 read

In this course, Mr. Wu Jianan presented the natural limitations of human eyes in terms of the limited range of vision, the inability to catch high-speed objects, the incompetence in finding targets in the dark, and the impotence in averting barriers....
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