Exhibition Review

Keep Pace with the Times: Artworks for the 100th Anniversary of CAFA ...


To commemorate the centennial celebration of Central Academy of Fine Arts, the exhibition “Keep Pace with the Times – Artworks for the 100th Anniversary of CAFA”, hosted by CAFA and organized by CAFA Art Museum, was opened to the public on the second floor of CAFA Art Museum on March 22, 2018. The e...

Is It Simply Sketching? A Case Study of Ye Qianyu Part I ...


Ye Qianyu was a renowned artist and art educator, whose achievements were reflected in many aspects, especially in comics, Chinese painting and sketching. This exhibition selected nearly 180 works to present the essence of Ye Qianyu’s sketching, providing us with opportunities to have an in-depth un...

Prometheus in Printmaking: A Li Hua Retrospective on the 110th Anniversary of His Birth ...


           This exhibition is themed with the concept of “Hua Zhu 桦烛,” which originally means “a kind of candle coiled with birch bark,” symbolizing the brilliant candlelight and its beautiful reflections. Literati and poets of many dynasties have used it in their...


Project Space Young Curators Lab - New Stele School 3: Confucianism and Realism ...


It will be one-sided if we equate realism in traditional Chinese modern art with that in the western world, as they have different orientations. In the face of modern challenges, Chinese invented their realism by incorporating traditional Chinese civilization with their perceptions of an authentic,...

International Grand Exhibition for Wood Engraving and Historical Archive ...


This is the first international large-scale exhibition about the traditional technique - wood engraving's development in the contemporary era. There are about 200 artworks, wood engravings and books created by 100 artists, involving classical, modern and contemporary sections.

Pranks in the Moonlight: Torsten Jurell ...


Torsten Jurell is an interdisciplinary and talented artist. In the past eleven years, he has stayed in China for his creative works and settled in Jingdezhen – an ancient porcelain city with a glorious history of handcrafts for thousands of years. In the energetic and vibrant environment of contempo...
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