Exhibitions and Events-News

Focusing on important exhibition and activity info of CAFA Art Museum, and updates the latest news of international museum industry.

CAFAM志愿者 | 互动游戏,继续进行!


在接下来的展期,游戏会继续在广军画展中进行。欢迎观众朋友前来寻找志愿者,同时期待更多有趣的你们加入CAFAM志愿者团队! 地点:照常进行——广军画展 3F展厅 亲爱的玩家观众,请寻找并用游戏暗号提示当天驻展的志愿者NPC,或接受志愿者NPC的邀请,即可触发互动,并随机掉落奖励。

展览延期 |细读韦启美“一个持画笔的人的断想”



靳军履新中央美术学院美术馆副馆长(主持工作) | 2023年美术馆年终述职会议顺利进行





广爷展览的延期,是对所有在这个展览背后,付出努力的同事们的,最好奖赏。过去的一个月,这个展览感动了很多朋友。因此,我们邀请摄影师杨明,充满“真情实感”地拍了两天,又请我的同事贺伊飞,专注地汇编成现场图集,现分享给大家。——策展人 蔡萌在2018年,有一次,我跟黄永玉先生说,从2011年到那年,我每年都在深圳的“观澜原创版画基地”创作版画,平均起来,一年总能做出五六件来,先生听了说:“少了。”我赶紧解释说,多数是套色的(意思是很费力、很麻烦),除此,我还画油画什么的……先生听了又说:“不够。”所以,从那以后就更加不敢怠惰。2021年9月19日,黄先生召了一些老学生到他家聚会,那一晚师生都很高兴,其时,我更有许多的感慨,我便起身说:“黄先生90岁时说,‘世界长大了,我口口也老了’我看今天在座的各位同学也是七老八十的了,也都口口老了!我想说,我们的父母早已不在了,可是我们还有老师在,我们还能聆听先生的教诲,能得到先生的鼓励,哪怕是被批评,也觉得是件美妙的事,这岂不就是幸福吗?”疫情期间,黄先生还让女儿黑妮一一问过老学生“阳了没有?”这就像是涓涓的溪流在师生间流淌着,滋润了大家的心田。那次我跟先生说,我要在美院办画展了,他眼睛瞪起来:“怎么现在才办?”我说,大概是按年龄大小排序吧,现在,我算是最后一个老的了。展览先是定在去年的5月,后来改在9月,又后来改在11月,再后来就跟我说明年吧!其实,定在哪一天对我来说都无关紧要,早办,就拿现成的,晚办,就会多出一些新的。倘若开展了,我第一想到的是请黄先生来看,只要他能点拨,我必会得到难以预料的启发。可是,现在这便成了奢望,先生不能再来,只留下了一片云让我仰望。展出的东西也许芜杂了,有我随手画的“速写”,有草稿,有画成的画。“速写”,是我用来“摸”日子的,今天不知明天,说不定在哪里看到有趣的,便钩两笔,却并不指望它会直接变成画。这里还有“草稿”,是把在头脑里存留了好久抑或是存了不久的“想法”变成了看得见的形象,经过不断地推敲,最后在一堆画纸里找出自己觉得满意的一个,要么刻成版画,要么直接画出来。这种画,和“日子”没直接的关系,却也离不开“日子”的积累与铺垫。这种画,好在多靠了想象,没看见过的也能画,自己也因此体会到了相当的“创作的自由”。老院长靳尚谊先生常说“教学是第一位的,创作是第二位的”,展示在这里的便是我的“第二位的”状况。一切照常进行。广 军    2023年11月

CAFAM活动预告 | “韦启美油画创作研究工作坊”展场讲座


“为时代持笔——韦启美百年诞辰纪念展” 正在中央美术学院美术馆二层B展厅展出。展览围绕他艺术创作中的油画实践,以及在水墨画、素描和漫画等领域的探索,结合丰富的文献史料,呈现了韦启美先生的艺术人生在各阶段不同类型艺术创作的转向与拓展。






他是国立北京美术学校首任校长,是20世纪初最早走向海外的艺术家之一,是中国现代美术教育的重要开创者。他在中国近现代美术史、美术教育史和中外美术交流史上作出了重要贡献。20世纪初,他受命担负起“国家美术教育”的使命,满腔热血、筚路蓝缕、孜孜以求,努力建构了中国现代美术教育的雏形。他就是中国著名美术家、美术教育家——郑锦!郑锦(1883—1959),广东香山县(今中山市)雍陌村人,早年留学日本学习绘画,1914年学成归国后践行美术教育。1918年至1924年,他担任国立北京美术学校(中央美术学院前身)第一任校长,开创了中国现代美术教育的最初形态。辞去校长后,他依然执着于美术教育和美育实践,1927年,他应晏阳初先生之邀,赴河北定县参加“平民教育”事业,致力于平民美术实践。1940年后,他移居澳门,潜心丹青,留下了一批富有民族情怀的佳作。今年适逢郑锦诞辰140周年之际,为更好推进文化自信自强,助力中山市“文化兴城”建设,促进香山文化繁荣发展,中山市文化广电旅游局在中共中山市委宣传部的指导下,特联合中国国家画院、中央美术学院、澳门特别行政区政府文化局、广东省博物馆、珠海博物馆等机构及郑锦后人共同策划“锦裳——郑锦诞辰140周年艺术展”。“锦裳——郑锦诞辰140周年艺术展”分为“锦上丹青”“何以郑锦”两大部分,图文并茂地展示郑锦的艺术思想、美育观念以及其对美术教育理想的执着情怀。此次展览将首次展出中山市博物馆收藏的部分郑锦先生代表作品。展览将分别在北京、中山两地展出,欢迎社会各界人士到场参观,走近中国现代美育的先驱者——郑锦,品读他不凡的艺术人生。部分作品欣赏《仕女》 140cm×54.5cm 1914年 北京画院藏《玉兰孔雀》 167cm×72cm 1920年 中央美术学院美术馆藏《狐狸》 172cm×84cm 约20世纪20年代 中央美术学院美术馆藏《工笔花鸟》 109cm×43cm 1936年 珠海博物馆藏《琵琶行图》 129cm×61.5cm 中山市博物馆藏《月下美人图》 129.2cm×66.2cm 中山市博物馆藏《松林锦雉》 79.5cm×55cm 澳门艺术博物馆藏《田头乐》 131cm×57cm 1953年《秋鹜振翅》 131.5cm×66.5cm 1958年《黑白双兔图》 78.7cm×54.3cm 中山市博物馆藏展览信息北京站:展览时间:2023年12月17日—12月21日地点:中国国家画院美术馆策展团队总策划:林锐熙总监制:萧亦充 黄健敏学术主持:秦建平策划:余子龙项目监理:蔡 霞 李光先策展人:罗喜东项目助理:刘宇涛视觉设计:迟 颖 罗喜东文献资料:孙 文藏品管理:周 剑 陈庆海 李尧辰 崔然然 唐 重 吴璟昌 蒋素雯 李芷薇 罗 兵 欧阳云 杨长征 蔡欢欢展览执行:罗喜东 李光先 梁焯登 蔡凌晖 卢东升 杨 爽 寇海洋 陈泽桦宣传推广:陈 波 闫 政 潘筱璐 罗小曼 谭佳韵行政事务:刘 燕 何婉如 黄婉娴 苏嘉瑜

CAFAM工作坊招募| “为时代持笔——韦启美百年诞辰纪念展”展览公共教育活动






国社科项目 | 第一场主旨论坛今日启幕



Child Public Education Reservation Form

I agree to the Group Visit Agreement and Statement Please agree to the Group Visit Agreement.

Adult Public Education Event Reservation Form

I agree to the Group Visit Agreement and Statement Please agree to the Group Visit Agreement.

Group Public Education Event Reservation Form

I agree to the Group Visit Agreement and Statement Please agree to the Group Visit Agreement.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Group Visit Agreement
and Statement

CAFA Art Museum Publication Authorization Agreement

I fully agree to CAFA Art Museum (CAFAM) submitting to CAFA for publication the images, pictures, texts, writings, and event products (such as works created during participation in workshops) related to me from my participation in public events (including museum member events) organized by the CAFA Art Museum Public Education Department. CAFA can publish these materials by electronic, web, or other digital means, and I hereby agree to be included in the China Knowledge Resource Bank, the CAFA Database, the CAFA Art Museum Database, and related data, documentation, and filing institutions and platforms. Regarding their use in CAFA and dissemination on the internet, I agree to make use of these rights according to the stated Rules.

CAFA Art Museum Event Safety Disclaimer

Article I

This event was organized on the principles of fairness, impartiality, and voluntary participation and withdrawal. Participants undertake all risk and liability for themselves. All events have risks, and participants must be aware of the risks related to their chosen event.

Article II

Event participants must abide by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China, as well as moral and ethical norms. All participants must demonstrate good character, respect for others, friendship, and a willingness to help others.

Article III

Event participants should be adults (people 18 years or older with full civil legal capacity). Underage persons must be accompanied by an adult.

Article IV

Event participants undertake all liability for their personal safety during the event, and event participants are encouraged to purchase personal safety insurance. Should an accident occur during an event, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for the accident, but both have the obligation to provide assistance. Event participants should actively organize and implement rescue efforts, but do not undertake any legal or economic liability for the accident itself. The museum does not undertake civil or joint liability for the personal safety of event participants.

Article V

During the event, event participants should respect the order of the museum event and ensure the safety of the museum site, the artworks in displays, exhibitions, and collections, and the derived products. If an event causes any degree of loss or damage to the museum site, space, artworks, or derived products due to an individual, persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for losses. The event participant must negotiate and provide compensation according to the relevant legal statutes and museum rules. The museum may sue for legal and financial liability.

Article VI

Event participants will participate in the event under the guidance of museum staff and event leaders or instructors and must correctly use the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities provided for the event. If a participant causes injury or harm to him/herself or others while using the painting tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, or causes the damage or destruction of the tools, materials, equipment, and/or facilities, the event participant must undertake all related liability and provide compensation for the financial losses. Persons not involved in the accident and the museum do not undertake any liability for personal accidents.

CAFA Art Museum Portraiture Rights Licensing Agreement

According to The Advertising Law of the People’s Republic of China, The General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and The Provisional Opinions of the Supreme People’s Court on Some Issues Related to the Full Implementation of the General Principles of the Civil Law of the People’s Republic of China, and upon friendly negotiation, Party A and Party B have arrived at the following agreement regarding the use of works bearing Party A’s image in order to clarify the rights and obligations of the portrait licenser (Party A) and the user (Party B):

I. General Provisions

(1) Party A is the portraiture rights holder in this agreement. Party A voluntarily licenses its portraiture rights to Party B for the purposes stipulated in this agreement and permitted by law.

(2) Party B (CAFA Art Museum) is a specialized, international modern art museum. CAFA Art Museum keeps pace with the times, and works to create an open, free, and academic space and atmosphere for positive interaction with groups, corporations, institutions, artists, and visitors. With CAFA’s academic research as a foundation, the museum plans multi-disciplinary exhibitions, conferences, and public education events with participants from around the world, providing a platform for exchange, learning, and exhibition for CAFA’s students and instructors, artists from around the world, and the general public. As a public institution, the primary purposes of CAFA Art Museum’s public education events are academic and beneficial to society.

(3) Party B will photograph all CAFA Public Education Department events for Party A.

II. Content, Forms of Use, and Geographical Scope of Use

(1) Content. The content of images taken by Party B bearing Party A’s likeness include: ① CAFA Art Museum ② CAFA campus ③ All events planned or executed by the CAFAM Public Education Department.

(2) Forms of Use. For use in CAFA’s publications, products with CDs, and promotional materials.

(3) Geographical Scope of Use

The applicable geographic scope is global.

The media in which the portraiture may be used encompasses any media that does not infringe upon Party A’s portraiture rights (e.g., magazines and the internet).

III. Term of Portraiture Rights Use

Use in perpetuity.

IV. Licensing Fees

The fees for images bearing Party A’s likeness will be undertaken by Party B.

After completion, Party B does not need to pay any fees to Party A for images bearing Party A’s likeness.

Additional Terms

(1) All matters not discussed in this agreement shall be resolved through friendly negotiation between both parties. Both parties may then sign a supplementary agreement, provided it does not violate any laws or regulations.

(2) This agreement comes into effect on the date that it is signed (sealed) and the relevant boxes are selected by Party A and Party B.

(3) This agreement exists in paper and electronic forms. The paper form is made in duplicate, with Party A and Party B each retaining one copy with the same legal efficacy.

Event participants implicitly accept and undertake all the obligations stated in this agreement. Those who do not consent will be seen as abandoning the right to participate in this event. Before participating in this event, please speak to your family members to obtain their consent and inform them of this disclaimer. After participants sign/check the required box, participants and their families will be seen as having read and agreed to these terms.

I have carefully read and agree to the above provisions.

Event Booking Form

Valid Certificate: Identity Card
ID Number:


Hello! Thank you for participating in our public education event and we are looking forward to seeing you! If you cannot attend the event on time, please send a text message to 13261936837 (Liang) to cancel the booking. Please be aware that your eligibility for using the quick booking may be affected If you cancel the booking more than three times. Thank you for your understanding!
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  • Mobile phone number will be your login ID
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